Paintpooper wrote
Hmm...more circumstantial evidence to support the 9/11 inside job conspiracy. It seems that when all the political dots are connected and the biggest picture comes into clearer view, it always supports the conspiracy theory. Is is just coincidence? Is it just millions of people's imagination that an inside job fits perfectly into the government's foriegn policy agenda and what turn of events have been happening ever since the attacks? It seems so obvious that it was an inside job that it makes me sick. As a student of history, these kinds of deadly scare tactics and propaganda ploys are old hat. These war provoking, invasion justifying methods can probably be traced all the way back to the conflicts between the Athenians and Spartans of Ancient Greece. We have learned and mimicked democracy from this brilliant culture, what else did we learn from them that might not be so readily taught in classrooms around the world? Just my own idea on things and how much the public is truly in the dark on most things of such grand scope. The more I learn about and observe the subtleties of the political-media arena, I question the validity of nearly everything that goes on in Washington anymore. American people need to come together and restructure our country's future with an optimistic mindset if any real democratic progress is going to be made. It is really no joke, and we should all be willing and able to contribute honestly for this noble cause.
Quote:We are allies with Saudi. Sell them weapons and huge military contracts in the billions of dollars. There was a thread awhile back of Bush kissing Saudi kings.
And fucking Bin Laden was a Saudi. The financial interests of the bin Laden family are represented by the Saudi Binladin Group, a global oil and equity management conglomerate grossing $5 billion US annually, and one of the largest construction firms in the Islamic world.
The plot thickens.....
Oh trust me Saudi is WHO we should have went after, but thats not how they want it or how it it set up.
They have the worse human rights of any of those country's. It's hypocrisy at it's best. That's how I know, Libya, Syria, Iran... all lies and bullshit. Cause the real human rights abuser we sell weapons too!!! A long with Israel, that is basically a terrorist nation/US presence in the middle east, to conduct covert operations in the area.
Hmm...more circumstantial evidence to support the 9/11 inside job conspiracy. It seems that when all the political dots are connected and the biggest picture comes into clearer view, it always supports the conspiracy theory. Is is just coincidence? Is it just millions of people's imagination that an inside job fits perfectly into the government's foriegn policy agenda and what turn of events have been happening ever since the attacks? It seems so obvious that it was an inside job that it makes me sick. As a student of history, these kinds of deadly scare tactics and propaganda ploys are old hat. These war provoking, invasion justifying methods can probably be traced all the way back to the conflicts between the Athenians and Spartans of Ancient Greece. We have learned and mimicked democracy from this brilliant culture, what else did we learn from them that might not be so readily taught in classrooms around the world? Just my own idea on things and how much the public is truly in the dark on most things of such grand scope. The more I learn about and observe the subtleties of the political-media arena, I question the validity of nearly everything that goes on in Washington anymore. American people need to come together and restructure our country's future with an optimistic mindset if any real democratic progress is going to be made. It is really no joke, and we should all be willing and able to contribute honestly for this noble cause.
You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.
There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.