Maybe if Ron wasn't a batshit Republican like the rest of them, a group of corporate drones that want to downsize the Education Deparment and destroy the EPA, without those crazy notions then he'd be halfway to being a decent Prez because there are some issues we all may agree with him on. But cmon, lets be real here the people who are bashing Ron the worst are his own political party contemporaries, not the voters. If you have a problem with Ron not getting into the race you may want to argue with Republicans because I doubt there are many Republican Atheists or at least as many as Atheist Democrats.
Long story short, I fully expect Romney to win the Replubican nomination as I did a few months ago, they have already decided who they want to run against Obama.
Long story short, I fully expect Romney to win the Replubican nomination as I did a few months ago, they have already decided who they want to run against Obama.