Quote:Our nation is in trillions of dollars of debt. You need to cut unneccesary spending to get rid of this debt. For example cutting failed government agencies such as the department of education and energy. Oh and you're forgetting he wants the states to handle these things he's cutting, which creates jobs.See what I mean? I am sure there are Libertarians out there who know how the govt system works in this country. This guy, on the other hand, just talked out of his ass.
You say that he would rather the states take care of education, and by cutting the dept of education from the fed would create more jobs because the states would make their own depts of education when this happens
the reality is that every single state has their own dept of education already. So by cutting the FEDERAL dept of education, it will merely be nothing more than a loss of jobs.
Quote:Get rid of all our civil rights????? What are you talking about? Saying Ron Paul supporters don't have the facts. Tell me you're basis for saying this. Paul is a libertarian and does not support the patriot act or the TSA.Paul has said on more than one instance that he would not have voted for the civil rights act, and he has been open about how he thinks it is against freedom of the individual and the employers. He wants the employers to be able to have the freedom to be as racist as they wish, such as putting up whites only signs, or hiring people that arent black if they so choose.
So yeah, he wants to get rid of the civil rights.
Ron Paul fails on so many levels of social reality of America today. Ron Paul supporters but TONS of weight on ron Paul saying "those days are old and done with".
So its about "property rights". This means that if a restaurant says "whites only", and a group of black people decide to eat there as a group, that Ron Paul would have no problem with arresting the blacks..and, if the blacks are in a big enough group, and refuse to heed the warnings from the cops to not enter the restaurant, then Ron Paul fully supports the police using water cannons and dogs to "protect property rights" on a group of people who merely dispise racism and want a sandwich.
Libertarians FAIL to admit the consequences of such a position to some communities in America. Sure, it would never happen in New york city, as the business would no longer have people going to it...but what about poor town mississippi, where there are just a few handful of blacks and a vast majority of whites who love the idea of racism. Now the blacks are put at a major disadvantage ...and know you aarent listening to a damn thing I say.
Ron pauls says that neither side (evolution or creationism) has "absolute proof"...thats one step away from "teach the controversy". If any other Republican said this, we would IMMEDIATELY suggest that he was for teaching creationism in biology class. Ron Paul has been very selective of his words on this topic, and he has mostly been quiet about it.
Now that I have shown you this evidence, which claims he thinks both are not solidly proven...but yet he doesnt accept evolution as fact...I want YOU to show me evidence that he will NOT have creationism in biology class. My evidence, although not complete, is compelling. I now ask that you post evidence that is just as compelling to prove that he will not destroy the biology class.
Quote:Yes Ron Paul is against bailouts. Its called a free market. Some companies will go under and some will be successful. The thing is, in a free market, you can easily find a job if you lose your job. The government can not continue to pay for the failures of certain companies.But he is NOT for a free market. By allowing companies to hire based on racial prejudice henders many people from entering the market based on something they had no choice about.
EXAMPLE#1: I am a black man in Alabama who wishes to start his own Electrician company. I want to put light switches and stuff like that in. componenets like that can be bought at many different places. Now, I get the break I was finally looking for. I get a commercial contract. It requires commercial grade equipment. I go to the local electrical supply house and it says "whites only". It is the only electrical supply house in a 400 mile radius because I am so deep in the country. ron Pauls veiw of property rights being king has now screwed me up. I now have an unecesary hurdle to face to make my business better.
EXAMPLE #2: You are driving down the road. Someone runs you off the side of the road and you have a terrible open wound that is bleeding out. The ambulance picks you up and figures you cannot last anymore than an hour in the condition you are in. 15 minutes goes by and you see the ambulance drive past a hospital and keeps on going. "HEY!" you say "We just passed the hospital! Im dying here!". thats when the ambulance workers tell you that the Hospital refuses to treat white people. The next closest hospital is about an hour away. congratulations...you are going to die.
Quote:1) end the "War on Terror"A list of the very FEW left leaning things that Paul supports..all of which he will have absolutely ZERO power to do. every single one of those would need the legislative branch to repeal. Since ron will be the only Libertarian in the system of a currently divided house and senate he would not be able to muster the support he needed to do such a thing. The president just cant up and say "Im stopping this war" that congress and the senate commanded him to do in the war on terror bill. He would, by law, have to fullfil his duty as president as prescribed in those bills and acts. The president cannot "end the war on drugs" nor can the president remove the dept of education, or the dept of energy, or the DEA. All of these would require congress to do such a thing.
2) end the "War on drugs"
3) Repeal TSA
4) Repeal Patriot Act
As of 1979, the Office of Education had 3,000 employees and an annual budget of $12 billion. Congress appropriated to the Department of Education an annual budget of $14.2 billion and 17,000 employees when establishing the Department of Education.
In 1979, President Carter advocated for creating a cabinet-level Department of Education. Do you want to know why he ADVOCATED for this? Because he was the President. He cant just *poof* and make shit happen like that.
You see, this is why I consider Ron Paul followers to be as dumb as a box of rocks. They look at the office of Presidency as some sort of kingship or something. CONGRESS are the ones who make and break things in America. The Legislative branch aare the movers and shakers. The Judicial branch are the ones who enforce the legislations, and the executive branch are the ones who carry out (i.e. "execute") the orders and legislations of congress.
Most libertarians are just flat out butt dumb about how American government actually works.
this is why Ron Paul says this shit "Im going to shut down the department of education". He knows his followers dont know a damn thing about the system. ron paul just cant shut down the dept of education. He would be laughed at by congress and the senate. Then that would be it, and all of the ron Paul followers would be like "hey? Why didnt the dept of education get shut down?"
..because a president cant do that shit and they were all duped.
Ron Paul is a fucking liar!
Lie #1 - Cut a trillion bucks year one - Who handles the economics in America? The President, or Congress? Answer - Congress.
Lie #2 - Dept of education gone - Who creates and shuts down departments in America? The president or Congress? Answer - Congress.
Lie #3 - Deps of Interior, energy, commerce, hud, gone - Who creates and shuts down governmental departments in American governent? The President, or Congress? Answer - Congress.
This entire advertise ment is one big lie. Ron Paul cannot do ANY of these things even if he was elected president.