Quote:Hitchslap wrote
You have as much faith as religious assholes, but since you are one I digress. Even if Ron Paul won, which we wont, he wouldnt turn the country around, how can you support a guy who wants to defund education and destroy the fucking EPA, youre a moron.
I understand your pessimsim Hitchslap, it does seem futile to vote in a somewhat rigged system. I also undertand you antagonism toward religion. But I think there comes a point where one has to stop hatin the world and find some reconciliation and "faith" in that improvement can happen. It appears to me that you have alot of Fire and Intellect, which is admirable, but you want to quit and give up before you even give things a chance. Yes, the odds are stacked against Ron Paul, his supporters are well aware of that. Maybe that is a reason why we are so overzealous. Sorry, that is a human flaw for "believers". I don't think Paul wants to take funding away from such essentials as Education and Environmental Protection in and of themselves. What he is addressing is that alot of the funding that goes towards these departments is not properly distributed and regulated. Paul gives more power to the states and allows Americans the freedom to oversee these agencies in action. These agencies are great to have and support but what good are they if they are not working correctly or truly functioning in the way they are intended to. This is the whole problem. We as a nation have shitloads of revenue and money coming in through taxes but it goes into the pockets of corporations, Wall St financiers, and the great majority of what is left is lost in the overarching bureaucracy of federal government. If we cut gov spending on useless wars on terrorism and drugs, bullshit legislation and corp bailouts, then we have a whole lot of potential to be the kind of country that we all long for! Don't dwell in eternal pessimism, it is a self fulfilling dead end. So take what I said for what it's worth. I don't want to hear more whining and minimalism. Ease up on the sensational drama-queen bullshit and try to use that Fire and Intellect you own for something more positive and not for just tearing other optimistic minds down. And btw, Buddha still sees with compassionate and laughing eyes! And a reincarnated toad sits next to him with a smile too.
You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.
There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.