To quote a friend of mine: "being an atheist is too much like hard work"
And to some extent I think he has a point
In my little corner of the world apathy seems to be the mainstay - Most of the people I know(myself included) were brought up as christian, and now just occupy some kind of vague agnosticism, and really couldn't care less - The same people do not want to think about, never mind actually discuss such matters.
Unfortunately since my own personal pandora's box was opened, I can no longer think like that, and I notice more and more each day how deep-rooted our society is in Christianity, religion and mysticism.
From common phrases in language, references within the media, holy buildings in every town, the churches grip on the education system, its influence on the government - It is ubiquitous.
I sometimes find it emotionally draining, not that my 'beliefs' could ever be shaken but the path I have chosen goes against the grain of the majority - I sometimes find myself scorned by the above mentioned apathy-christians(including members of my own family) for having a different opinion and for some of our decisions on how to raise our children.
Not thinking is the easy option
And I've got it easy here in the UK - I can hardly imagine how you guys in more religiously fervent countries get by, I take my hat off to you all
And to some extent I think he has a point
In my little corner of the world apathy seems to be the mainstay - Most of the people I know(myself included) were brought up as christian, and now just occupy some kind of vague agnosticism, and really couldn't care less - The same people do not want to think about, never mind actually discuss such matters.
Unfortunately since my own personal pandora's box was opened, I can no longer think like that, and I notice more and more each day how deep-rooted our society is in Christianity, religion and mysticism.
From common phrases in language, references within the media, holy buildings in every town, the churches grip on the education system, its influence on the government - It is ubiquitous.
I sometimes find it emotionally draining, not that my 'beliefs' could ever be shaken but the path I have chosen goes against the grain of the majority - I sometimes find myself scorned by the above mentioned apathy-christians(including members of my own family) for having a different opinion and for some of our decisions on how to raise our children.
Not thinking is the easy option
And I've got it easy here in the UK - I can hardly imagine how you guys in more religiously fervent countries get by, I take my hat off to you all