(February 17, 2012 at 9:31 am)reverendjeremiah Wrote:Quote:Paul is not rascist,Demonstrably untrue. Ron Paul very much is a racist, and I have produced mounds of evidence to show how racist he is. Saying that the sky is orange over and over again will not make the sky orange bgood. Saying that Paul isnt racist will not remove his racism.
NOW..since I have produced TONS of evidence proving Ron Paul is a racist, i demand that you either produce signifigant evidence that all of my proof is wrong or that you stop saying Paul is not a racist. I have met the burdon of proof. It is now time that you put up or shut up.
Quote:his policies to end the war on drugs and to reduce the prison population HELPS blacks and minorities most of all.Then why did Ron Paul say that 95% of blacks are either semi or completely criminal? I have produced plenty of evidence, that spans 20 fucking years, that Ron Paul is a racist. Put up or shut up.
Quote:Paul has the majority of the black vote.*sigh* What else will you make up? Thats it, Im flat out calling you a liar. Ron Paul does not have "the black vote".
Burdon of Proof: Please show me the proof that you have that "Paul has the majority of black vote" or you are a fucking liar.
Ignoring or failing to produce evidence that Ron Paul has "the majority of the black vote" within the next 24 hours will result in me immediately putting your account on IGNORE.
I dont abide lliars.
Paul cited the study and wrote: "Given the inefficiencies of what DC laughingly calls the criminal justice system, I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal."
He is criticizing the justice system, they are only criminals because of a flawed justice system. That is supporting their rights as humans. That does not make someone racist.
42% of Black men aged 18-35 in Washington, D.C. were under some form of criminal justice control in 1992.
What is your definition of racism?
“Most of that increase is due to the War on Drugs, a war waged almost exclusively in poor communities of color,” she said, even though studies have shown that whites use and sell illegal drugs at rates equal to or above blacks. In some black inner-city communities, four of five black youth can expect to be caught up in the criminal justice system during their lifetimes.
As a consequence, a great many black men are disenfranchised, said Alexander — prevented because of their felony convictions from voting and from living in public housing, discriminated in hiring, excluded from juries, and denied educational opportunities.
The war on drugs is racism. That is racism. Getting in the shitty justice system ruins your life.
"Compared to Non-blacks, California’s African-American population are 4 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana, 12 times more likely to be imprisoned for a marijuana felony arrest, and 3 times more likely to be imprisoned per marijuana possession arrest. Overall, as Figure 3 illustrates, these disparities accumulate to 10 times’ greater odds of an African-American being imprisoned for marijuana than other racial/ethnic groups."
"The primary reason for this massive number of black men in jail is the War on Drugs. Therefore, if the War on Drugs were terminated, the main factor keeping race-based resentment a core element in the American social fabric would no longer exist. America would be a better place for all."
Today, 1 in 15 African-American children and 1 in 42 Latino children have a parent in prison, compared to 1 in 111 white children. In some areas, a large majority of African-American men – 55 percent in Chicago, for example – are labeled felons for life, and, as a result, may be prevented from voting and accessing public housing, student loans and other public assistance."
The current laws are racist. drugwarfacts.org