Quote:It's a psychological thing, and btw I'm majoring in psychology
Yes it is and no you shouldn't.
Quote:The second that I put on the niqab, it physically and mentally empowers me
Yeah, I understand, most people that play dress up especially during Halloween can take upon the character they are dressing as, you just seem to be taking it to an extreme.
Quote:especially non-Muslim women are constantly draining yourselves down the pipe deeper and deeper by absorbing all of that media BULLSHIT into your tiny and feeble brains
Your the one changing from one God to another and not be able to make up your mind, that entails that you are the one with the feeble mind and let's add weak mind. I am sure you well know that your the one trying to drag me down the shit pipe with your bullshit media of saying how great Isalm is.
So since you cannot figure cotton breathes and is much more comfortable to wear during hot months and want to sweat like a whore in church and let the hair on your head fall out and wipe your ass with sandpaper then have at it. Others have chosen more wisely.
And why men of your kind won't rape you is that you are over the age of nine which makes you an old maid.