Sunday - Sun's day Apollo would be pleased!
Monday - moon's day for the moon goddess
Tuesday - Tyr's day a roman god
Wednesday - Odin's day
Thursday - Thor's day or take your hammer to work day (Not reccomended if you are a teacher)
Friday - Frigg's day although I don't don't know who the frig is Frigg
Saturday - Saturn's day all the Saturnalians rejoice!
It's almost like we would have to invent a whole new language to evict any mention of dieties or superstitions. I say, why throw the baby out with the bath water. Bin God, god, and gods and keep the traditions that kick ass, like giving gifts and overeating at the end of December. Wearing spooky masks and dressing up like whores to scare away the dead and get laid during national dress like a whore day/halloween.
Monday - moon's day for the moon goddess
Tuesday - Tyr's day a roman god
Wednesday - Odin's day
Thursday - Thor's day or take your hammer to work day (Not reccomended if you are a teacher)
Friday - Frigg's day although I don't don't know who the frig is Frigg
Saturday - Saturn's day all the Saturnalians rejoice!
It's almost like we would have to invent a whole new language to evict any mention of dieties or superstitions. I say, why throw the baby out with the bath water. Bin God, god, and gods and keep the traditions that kick ass, like giving gifts and overeating at the end of December. Wearing spooky masks and dressing up like whores to scare away the dead and get laid during national dress like a whore day/halloween.