It's such a sensitive situation that I wouldn't try to tackle it head-on. Kids that age are trying to establish their own identity, particularly in contrast to the identity of their parents. At this point, arguing for atheism might be perceived as providing an outline of your own perspective that he can distance himself from. Let him know that he has your support and his religion or lack of one won't change that.
For what it's worth, I don't think you can go wrong advising him to study the Bible himself without letting anyone tell him what to think about it, and let him come to his own conclusions. If he can handle reading it cover-to-cover, that should be the goal. If his fundamentalism survives that, at least he'll have come by it honestly rather than being brainwashed into it.
For what it's worth, I don't think you can go wrong advising him to study the Bible himself without letting anyone tell him what to think about it, and let him come to his own conclusions. If he can handle reading it cover-to-cover, that should be the goal. If his fundamentalism survives that, at least he'll have come by it honestly rather than being brainwashed into it.