(May 7, 2012 at 3:59 am)Alter2Ego Wrote: In other words, you don't mind believing something occurred (in this instance, macroevolution) despite the fact there is no evidence proving it in the fossils.
I guess you don't mind believing something occurred (in this instance, that a deity willed the universe into existence) despite the fact there is no evidence proving it.
And there is a tremendous amount of evidence for evolution. Creationist twits just refuse to see it.
Quote:The pro-evolution paleontologists write multi-page reports in which they speculate, present their long-winded opinions, and make every attempt to talk around the fact that there are nothing but gaps in the fossils.
Oh, my. Google "evolution of the whale" and you'll find a pretty complete picture of how this creature evolved.
Quote:Keep in mind that all animals, birds, humans, etc. supposedly evolved from a single ancestor.
Keep in mind that all creatures on this planet supposedly were created by an invisible, all-powerful being by waving his hand. Yeah... that makes so much more sense!
Quote:In other words, this had to have been a common-place occurrence since it's how all life forms that have ever existed reached their present stage. Yet, from this seemingly routine occurrence, not one single bone can to found to connect one family or species of animal to something that is entirely different. And that doesn't raise any red flags for you!
Okay.... let's forget about bones! You know what connects one family or species to another? Our DNA! Our DNA matches that of a chimpanzee by 98%! And as you move further down the evolutionary tree, our DNA matches other species less and less.
So explain why a deity would create us so that our DNA matches other creatures to such a high degree.
Quote:Truth be told, there is evidence for the existence of an intelligent Designer/God.
Great! We're finally going to get some evidence that "God" exists! And what is it?
Quote:The evidence is found in the precision we see around us in the natural world.
THIS argument again? Seriously? This is the best you people can do?
Quote:Precision indicates deliberation, and deliberation indicates someone did it.
Oh, really? You know what's pretty precise? The conditions needed to create a tornado. By your logic, "God" must be creating tornadoes and sending them to kill people and destroy homes. Right?
Quote:So you see, theists are not driven by blind faith at all.
Uh, yeah, you are. I can't tell you how many theists I've encountered who tell me they either don't need evidence or they'll continue to believe no matter how much contradictory evidence you show them. That's blind faith.
Quote:Rather, logic plays a large part in the belief system of theists.

You mean like the "logic" that has you believing in talking animals, miraculous conceptions, magical healings, people rising from the dead, etc, etc....?
Quote:Meanwhile, what logic are you using in believing macroevolution happened when the fossils record says it did not?
Logic that is supported by tangible evidence.
Science flies us to the moon and stars. Religion flies us into buildings.
God allowed 200,000 people to die in an earthquake. So what makes you think he cares about YOUR problems?
God allowed 200,000 people to die in an earthquake. So what makes you think he cares about YOUR problems?