I have a sort of childish soft spot for the whole of the 1st series, but you look back at it and it's all bldy Kirk 'fisticuffs' and lame love action spoiling the stories. The Romulans have got to be the most boring race out. The Klingons were laughable until TNG made them respectable.
TNG I loved all of it (except one incredibly 'wet' episode featuring Geordie LaForg & his love interest (yawn). Picard was amazing - the Borg are just the best race ever invented, closely followed by species 8472 of Voyager and then the Dominion with the Jem'Hadar. The M Continuum and Q were great, and the very wide spectrum of possible species they came up with. The Prime Directive really came into play more completely too.
Voyager was pretty amazing. 7of9 (hubba hubba LOL) bringing in the Borg was a genius move. that's what the public wanted. Some awesome episodes there.
DS9 I found incredibly cheesy, especially Sisko's acting. I liked that the Ferenghi came into there own plus there was Kazon Dax lol.
I've only like one of the films: First Contact. Notice Kirk's addition produced a fist fight again (snore). I haven't seen the new film yet.
TNG I loved all of it (except one incredibly 'wet' episode featuring Geordie LaForg & his love interest (yawn). Picard was amazing - the Borg are just the best race ever invented, closely followed by species 8472 of Voyager and then the Dominion with the Jem'Hadar. The M Continuum and Q were great, and the very wide spectrum of possible species they came up with. The Prime Directive really came into play more completely too.
Voyager was pretty amazing. 7of9 (hubba hubba LOL) bringing in the Borg was a genius move. that's what the public wanted. Some awesome episodes there.
DS9 I found incredibly cheesy, especially Sisko's acting. I liked that the Ferenghi came into there own plus there was Kazon Dax lol.
I've only like one of the films: First Contact. Notice Kirk's addition produced a fist fight again (snore). I haven't seen the new film yet.