(July 15, 2012 at 2:11 pm)subtlecalmingflow Wrote: energy is eternal
proof; ∑E = Ek+Ep
Scientific Fact (1); Conservation of energy; energy cannot be created nor destroyed.
energy cannot be created
ergo by time reversal symmetry it is a scientific fact that energy never was created
ergo energy cannot be created, never was created, energy exists and yet cannot be destroyed,
ergo it is a scientific fact that energy is eternal. Q.E.D.
energy is omnipresent
proof; E = (ω h)/2
Scientific Fact (2); Vacuum energy or zero point energy; there is an amount of energy equal to (hв‹…П‰)/2 in every single point in space.
ergo it is a scientific fact that energy is everywhere present Q.E.D.
eternal and omnipresent energy is all-power-full
proof; P = ∫ ∇ E dv
Scientific Fact (3); Power is the transformation of energy over space and time.
All expressions of power are transformations of energy
ergo it is a scientific fact that eternal and omnipresent energy [S1 & S2] is all-power-full Q.E.D.
eternal and omnipresent energy is self-causal
Scientific Corollary (1); Every cause involves energy and every effect involves energy [S3]
ergo it is a scientific fact that eternal and omnipresent energy [S1 & S2] is self-causal or teleological Q.E.D.
eternal and omnipresent energy is self-descriptive
proof; S = -kBTr(ρ ln ρ)
Scientific Fact (4); Entropy is equal to the minimum amount of information needed (number of yes/no questions that need to be answered) in order to fully specify the microstate, given that we know the macrostate.
Describing is the act of making informational distinctions; in this case, collapsing the superposition creates information; endomorphic self-description.
ergo it is a scientific fact that eternal and omnipresent energy [S1 & S2] is self-descriptive. Q.E.D.
It is a scientific fact that the Divine exists.
Proof--It is a scientific fact that energy is eternal and omnipresent [S1 & S2]. It is a scientific fact that eternal and omnipresent energy is all-power-full, self-causal, and self-descriptive [S3, Sc1, & S4]. Eternal, omnipresent, all-power-full, self-causal, self-descriptive energy has the same properties as the Divine. By virtue of the identity of indiscernibles eternal, omnipresent, all-power-full, self-causal, self-descriptive energy is the Divine. Ergo it is a scientific fact that the Divine exists. Q.E.D.
resolved paradox of omnipotence
If the Divine could or did destroy itself, it would not be eternal, in other words, it would not be Divine. Power is defined as the transformation of energy, not the destruction of energy. The inability to destroy itself does not contradict being all-power-full. Therefore the Divine cannot destroy itself.
To create and to lift both involve the transformation of energy. The Divine is an infinite energy and a rock which has finite form cannot exist in an infinite substantial state. Therefore the Divine cannot create a rock that it cannot lift.
Therefore the Divine is natural.
Note; Resolving the omnipotence paradox as a scientific fact demonstrates the scientific proof has increased or clarified our understanding of the Divine.
resolved paradox of physical-spiritual
Define "physical";
By physical, does one mean 3-space local realism at no greater than the speed of light?
such that the following are non-physical (spiritual?);
(1) any spacial dimensions higher than 3
(2) non-locality and quantum entanglement
(3) superluminal speed and negative refractive index
Or by "physical" does one equivocate to mean "natural"?
The Divine is natural.
I'm so glad I'm not the only person who thinks about these things.
You can't ignore the people who disagree and pretend it makes you right.