(July 25, 2012 at 6:52 am)finalyawake Wrote: ok so i was texting my friend and she is a girl and she said i was the only one she trusted etc... anyway idk how this happend but at 4 am i texting back saying that i love her and that i want to go out with her and i said i had these feelings for two years....30 minutes lator i realized what i said and my hart started pounding hard and i havent got any sleep all night any one please help me!!!!
So you told her you love her before even asking her out?
Normally the loving comes after the going out. If you ask me, you're absolutely fucked.
Hope that helps.
You are currently experiencing a lucky and very brief window of awareness, sandwiched in between two periods of timeless and utter nothingness. So why not make the most of it, and stop wasting your life away trying to convince other people that there is something else? The reality is obvious.