I've never met a "good" Christian. They all think they're good but their values suck. They think the values demonstrated by the biblical god are good and that's why they aspire to be just as screwed up as he is.
As a Christian, I can testify first hand just how evil Christianity made me. Change came when I decided my values would dictate my faith instead of allowing my faith to dictate my values. So, I made a list of what values I would aspire to and bingo... I found that I could no longer be a Christian. So, I repented and became an ethical freethinker.
As a Christian, I can testify first hand just how evil Christianity made me. Change came when I decided my values would dictate my faith instead of allowing my faith to dictate my values. So, I made a list of what values I would aspire to and bingo... I found that I could no longer be a Christian. So, I repented and became an ethical freethinker.