Just a thought . Do you think prostition is a decent career path , one perhaps children could aspire to for when they become adults , or perhaps the careers advisor could suggest it when they leave school?( if they didn't get great grades for example). Perhaps both mum and dad are prostitutes and they want to follow in thier footsteps?
I am all for de-criminalisation where the prostituteisconcerned , but i just think legalising it will make a seedy , mentally damaging (for some)job socially acceptable. I just can't see that ever being a good thing .
Yes i am obviously completely sexually repressed , as im not to keen on porn either ( especially its accessibility to chidren of all ages).
I am all for de-criminalisation where the prostituteisconcerned , but i just think legalising it will make a seedy , mentally damaging (for some)job socially acceptable. I just can't see that ever being a good thing .
Yes i am obviously completely sexually repressed , as im not to keen on porn either ( especially its accessibility to chidren of all ages).