In my 1st year at uni, the tutor who took one of my seminars in Ancient History was also one of the module's lecturers. I got to know him quite well. He completed his doctorate concentrating on a civilisation whose name I have since forgotten... but it was around the time of the height of the Ancient Greek Mediterranean.
I found out, by chance, that he was a Young Earth Creationist. That put doubt into my mind about the veracity of everything he had said. How anyone could have the knowledge that he did, while also believing that it happened within a few thousand years of the creation of the planet... was just saddening.
I found out, by chance, that he was a Young Earth Creationist. That put doubt into my mind about the veracity of everything he had said. How anyone could have the knowledge that he did, while also believing that it happened within a few thousand years of the creation of the planet... was just saddening.