Ive been debating religion with a Christian friend a lot recently. I'm proud to say that she admitted today that she is starting to have doubts about the Bible's accuracy because of our discussions.
The frustration comes in though with her obvious cop outs whenever we reach a certain point.
Heres an example:
while discussing all of the horrible passages in the old testament about killing children who talk back and burning alive adulterers and how it is okay to rape a female if you marry her later, she said something like: 'yeah but that's just the old testament. We no longer have to follow that. That's why god wrote the new testament.'
Then I showed her the new testament passage saying we still have to follow all of the old testament.
Her answer?
"I don't have all the answers."
Another favorite cop-outof hers is: "only God knows the answer to this".
We were talking about Genesis, she believes that in chapter 6 it says that god's angels lusted after and made babies with human females. This resulted in evil giants being born which is why God had to destroy everyone with a flood. She seriously believes that.
I was raised a lutheran and I was never taught about evil mutant angel giants. has anyone else heard of this??
The frustration comes in though with her obvious cop outs whenever we reach a certain point.
Heres an example:
while discussing all of the horrible passages in the old testament about killing children who talk back and burning alive adulterers and how it is okay to rape a female if you marry her later, she said something like: 'yeah but that's just the old testament. We no longer have to follow that. That's why god wrote the new testament.'
Then I showed her the new testament passage saying we still have to follow all of the old testament.
Her answer?
"I don't have all the answers."
Another favorite cop-outof hers is: "only God knows the answer to this".
We were talking about Genesis, she believes that in chapter 6 it says that god's angels lusted after and made babies with human females. This resulted in evil giants being born which is why God had to destroy everyone with a flood. She seriously believes that.
I was raised a lutheran and I was never taught about evil mutant angel giants. has anyone else heard of this??