I personally am convinced that God or gods in any sense do not exist.I am also aware that you can neither prove nor disprove his/her/or its existence or non-existence directly and infallibly.My assertion is based more on a study and overview of the history of religions in general and the religious worldview.I am convinced that the origin of religious beliefs began with mans curiosity about the universe and the world he lived in this is evidenced by a careful scrutiny of ancient religions.Man at one time or another during a pre-scientific age began to try to explain the world around him.This is best evidenced in Greek mythology and even some ancient tribal religions where many natural disasters or calamities were attributed to man made gods.There was a time when man attributed the most basic occurrences (rain,wind,sea storms) to gods.Religion began as a polytheistic system of beliefs where many gods were named to account for the many mysteries that baffled mankind in a more primitive society.There was literally a god for every phenomenon not known or understood by man.Some of these gods required sacrifice in order to stay their wrath or to maintain the peace and prosperity of a society.The origins of religious beliefs are not a revelation from god or gods but rather the superstitious mindset,this is what makes me convinced that the biblical God or gods of old do not and cannot exist.They are a creation of man and not the other way around as many Christians profess.
There is nothing people will not maintain when they are slaves to superstition