RE: Deeply Religious Man Crushed By Falling Crucifix, Loses Leg
October 27, 2012 at 4:22 pm
(This post was last modified: October 27, 2012 at 4:23 pm by Darkstar.)
Oh, the irony. A perfect example of cherry picking. He prays to the crucifix and his wife is cured. Therefore, the crucifix cured his wife. The crucifix annhiates his leg. Therefore, the church's failutre to put in more screws annhialated his leg. This isn't simply a low standard for evidence; it has some deadly confirmation bias in it cutting both ways.
This comment on that page is pretty sad:
Where in the bible does it say that prayer comes with a fee?
Most of the comments are arguing over praying to graven images, but it doesn't appear that anyone (at the time of this writing) has suggested that he prayed to the crucifix as a proxy to god, rather than worhipping the statue itself. Either way, it's pretty pathetic.
This comment on that page is pretty sad:
Quote:So Jimenez PRAYS to GOD,(Unusual capitalization preserved)
to SAVE his WIFE from DEATH?
But when his FAITH is TESTED, he SUES?
There is a PRICE to be PAID, Mr. Jimenez.
In THIS world, or the NEXT...
Where in the bible does it say that prayer comes with a fee?
Most of the comments are arguing over praying to graven images, but it doesn't appear that anyone (at the time of this writing) has suggested that he prayed to the crucifix as a proxy to god, rather than worhipping the statue itself. Either way, it's pretty pathetic.
John Adams Wrote:The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.