this sounds nice, and there are currently a few companies using this technology - but most of them are american and an israeli company which are unlikely to share technology.
Since our goverment decided in 2011, after the Fukushima catastrophy, that all nuklear powerplants have to be shut down by 2022 and that by 2020, 50 percent of german energy should come from green sources, all sorts of nice concepts have arrived, but only few actualy work.
currently 25 percent of german energy comes from renewable sources and energy prices have gone up quite a bit.
I`m for the "Energiewende" but the current administration is making quite the fool out of themselves - by throwing arround with concepts and hardly anything being started except for the giant offshore windpark projects.
Since our goverment decided in 2011, after the Fukushima catastrophy, that all nuklear powerplants have to be shut down by 2022 and that by 2020, 50 percent of german energy should come from green sources, all sorts of nice concepts have arrived, but only few actualy work.
currently 25 percent of german energy comes from renewable sources and energy prices have gone up quite a bit.
I`m for the "Energiewende" but the current administration is making quite the fool out of themselves - by throwing arround with concepts and hardly anything being started except for the giant offshore windpark projects.