(October 29, 2012 at 5:24 pm)paintpooper Wrote: Ok I have to chime in.
Obama = Romney. They are both war mongers, both owned by banks and other interests, they do not represent the people.
A vote for either candidate is a vote for illegal wars, killing of innocent civilians, reduction of peoples rights, and drug wars.
So if you vote for them, you agree with those premises.
They use things as gay rights, abortion, and taxes as fringe issues to disassociate the people with the root problems of the US.
They both support Israel, one more then the other, so they support state sponsored terror. Israel is a terrorist state, and an illegal occupation of Palestine as well.
It is the old divide and conquer technique, and it works, D's blame R's and R's blame D's haha they sure got us good, while they both laugh to the bank.
Romney will go to war with Iran and so will Obama, that is unacceptable. To any American it should be unacceptable along with interfering in Syria and Libya(Obama's/NATO illegal war).
Most recent presidents could ALL be tried for war crimes, and they should be, as they are all war criminals and we voted for them. So let's stop voting for an R or a D.
I support Gary Johnson FYI so you know where I stand in our current 2012 race. You could not make me vote for either Romney or Obama as they are both lying murdering criminals, I have morals and don't accept "lesser" evil I accept no evil.
You support Garry Johnson because you think no rules are better than checks and balances. You accept a utopia like any other moron who thinks a complex society can be cured by one lable.
You do have your morals, I don't doubt that, but projectionism is a cluster fuck to humanity and you are the same gas on the fire you want to accuse others of doing.
You think that the private sector will self police? HA! Why are we in this mess if they did such a bang up job?