Spectrum Wrote:Nice!
I understand the need for anonymity. Can you tell us more about your projects, then?
Sure. My first band is the one that I started with a friend and it's predominantly an alternative rock band. The second band is definitely heavier and influenced more by post-hardcore music. They still have some alternative-rock sounding bits but then they are contrasted by some punchy breakdowns. Lastly, my solo project is all about writing what I want to write and not caring about having to write something that will sell to the masses. Most of my songs come out very chilled and atmospheric-sounding. I use my Tele for that stuff, which just makes me melt haha.
Quote:Also, how is the Orange? I really love their cabs, but I've never experienced anything out of their heads. I hear great things, though. Supposedly, the blues tones are superb, and the rock tones can rival Marshall. Is this true?
I don't know the first thing about blues sadly so I can't really comment on that aspect. For what I play though, especially in the second band (because I'm rhythm), it's a real babe. It's got a very warm sound and if you turn up the treble to max it gives you this perfect tone that's bright (not as much as a Marshall though) with huge body. What I like especially about the Rockerverb is the in-built reverb it has. It's better than any pedal you could ever buy in my opinion!
The guitarist in my second band has a Marshall stack (I can't recall what head) and he tells me that the Marshall/Orange combo we've got going is the fullest sounding combo he's ever had in the band. Apparently the last guitarist had a more metal setup which sounded very grainy and no body to it... But there you go, I think Orange are very decent for what I like to play.
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" ~ Aristotle