I do care and investment is the only way to fix this mess and Obama is the only one willing to do it. Romney wants to starve us to death and wants us to have the same Chinese sweat shops and slave wages.
To the OBAMA supporters here in the states, hit all the swing states FLA and VA AND NH AN CO AND LL THE OTHER SWING STATE MEDIA MESSAGEBOARDS.
Remind them that Romney lied about Jeep shiping jobs to China. Remind them that he has 17 of Bush jr's advisors. Romney is Bush on Steriods.
To the OBAMA supporters here in the states, hit all the swing states FLA and VA AND NH AN CO AND LL THE OTHER SWING STATE MEDIA MESSAGEBOARDS.
Remind them that Romney lied about Jeep shiping jobs to China. Remind them that he has 17 of Bush jr's advisors. Romney is Bush on Steriods.