(October 5, 2009 at 2:37 am)Arcanus Wrote: What is the word? My vocabulary fails me. It is something between ironic and serendipitous that you are raising this point over here with Evie while, at essentially the same time, I'm raising the exact same point in another thread elsewhere with Eilonnwy. Awesome, hilarious, ironic, serendipitous, neato, something.
Fun stuff huh? To be honest this thread and the responses in it are causing some interesting reactions in my mind. You see, I have two whole worldviews in my head and when I lean toward a belief in a soul my theistic worldview snaps back into place although even my understanding of that has changed so it is really a new view that incorporates some of the stuff I have read on here. If I reject souls then an atheistic world view makes sense again. So guess which way I'm leaning...
No, my religious views probably aren't going to change although that isn't some overarching goal of mine. We'll see though; I seem to learn more stuff every day I log on to this site. Much of what I learn falls into the bat-shit crazy bucket though, from both of the main camps here.
I have changed my approach to this site. When I first came on, I was looking forward to having glorious battles with theists but have since decided that there is no benefit in that approach. I do sneer and chide every now and again, but, hey nobody's perfect.
