You should be aware that most of the arguments people use against christians can be grouped as "attempts at falsifying god". Finding fallacies or contradictions in the way this entity is portrayed or described or defined.
It's not our fault that those descriptions of the deity are a bit convoluted and ,apparently, are so on purpose, to allow a multitude of different interpretations of the same text.
I prefer the approach of showing that it's more likely that there are no gods, rather than trying to show you that your god is not a good god to follow.... clearly, if you're ok with being it's slave and all the genocide that other such slaves have done for him, then you're hopeless.
It's not our fault that those descriptions of the deity are a bit convoluted and ,apparently, are so on purpose, to allow a multitude of different interpretations of the same text.
I prefer the approach of showing that it's more likely that there are no gods, rather than trying to show you that your god is not a good god to follow.... clearly, if you're ok with being it's slave and all the genocide that other such slaves have done for him, then you're hopeless.