RE: Again....But it's never the guns!
December 17, 2012 at 9:21 pm
(This post was last modified: December 17, 2012 at 9:24 pm by Something completely different.)
(December 17, 2012 at 8:57 pm)Shell B Wrote: I just want to point out that the guys and gals in the military of the United States are also citizens. When the American Revolution took place, dudes who fought in the British Army took up arms against them. I sincerely doubt the people in our military will take tyranny. Remember, even the German army had its dissenters during World War II and that was a personality cult of epic proportions.
Erwin von Witzleben, Rommel, Staufenberg???
Most historians would agree that these people are hoplessly glorified opertunists who simply wanted to save their necks when it became obvious that the war was lost. Most of them actualy participated in warcrimes.
Göring himself betraied Hitler in the final days believing the allies would make him the post-war dictator of Germany.
True resistance against national socialism never came out of the army, and the Germany army wasn`t even the initial instrument with which the nsdap came to power.
And what do you mean with "even"?
It is a well known fact that every german soldier on the eastern front between 1939 and 1944 was involved or whitness to warcrimes and other crimes against humanity.
This is not a good example because a entire generation of young men willingly participated in crimes and accepted the national socialist doctrin.
I find the entire debate arround the question of "if the goverment should turn into tyranny" to be absurd, because it is unlikely to happen and as far as I know never happened in history.
a army is independent from political parties and bound to laws of a nations constitution. I have never heared of any case in which the goverment turned it`s nation into a totalitarian state and thereby used the nations army as it`s tool.
But there are countless cases in which the army acted independent from the goverment and overthrew it to build up a military junta. that process being called "coup d ètat".
Burma is an example of a country currently ruled by a military junta, Mali being an example for a recent coup, pan arabism being a idiology mainly pushed my military officers and south America being a example of a continent which was almoust entirely ruled by military juntas.
And I think it is importent to underline that no totalitarian state which was built upon a strong all controling army stayed in power for long. One only needs to look at Argentina, Chile, Brazil and others.
Todays gun regulations have hardly anything to do with "the need to protect oneself from potential tyranny"
It`s about the right to protect oneself!