You have to remember, while FtB is not a complete echo chamber, the most vocal members like PZ and Ophelia Benson are strongly into the movement. The few other blogs there that are not swilling the Koolaid are blogs that just don't rock the boat, they simply opt out of the movement entirely and do their own thing. So long as they don't piss anyone off by, say, disagreeing, they're fine and get to stick around. The second they speak out against the status-quo though, they find themselves as bloggers without a home.
There's nothing freethought about FtB, but you can opt out of the craziness to some degree.
There's nothing freethought about FtB, but you can opt out of the craziness to some degree.
There is nothing demonstrably true that religion can provide mankind that cannot be achieved as well or better through secular means.
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