(February 21, 2013 at 1:30 pm)Rhythm Wrote: Immigrants cannot become citizens and do not pay taxes?What are you on about? Of course they can, but that has nothing to do with this issue.
Jesus christ......you guys don't actually check the people applying? WTF?
The problem is not with immigrants who decide to work and pay taxes; it is with those who come here and do not work or pay taxes, but still use (free) public services. Should people be able to leave their country of birth and exploit the welfare systems of other countries just because we belong to the EU? I don't think that is very fair.
Quote:(we actually had a problem with "welfare queens" in this country also - the problem being that we couldn't actually find said boogey-women - no matter how much our talking heads railed against them, ah well)In the UK, they actually exist. Some of them are extremely cocky. In the newspapers a few months ago they had an interview with a couple who had a baby and freely admitted that they weren't even looking for work, because their parents had paid taxes all their lives.