It's true Meatball that there are politicians that swim upstream against the current, but as you stated they are fighting unwinnable battles. Obama is doing a horrible job as president so far and although he did inherit one hell of an economical mess when he took office he is just making it worse. Government wants to expand into the private sector and here in NYC they are talking about taking over public transportation services.
The so called health care reform is a ridiculous plan that considering our economic crises I don't see any way possible that it can be carried out effectively without digging us into a deeper hole. They spout all of their false statistics about how things are improving but for those of us in the trenches such as myself I don't see it. Obama is trying to create programs with no money or funds to work with. By printing more money all he is doing is inflating the economy even more and dropping our country into a greater depression.
The so called health care reform is a ridiculous plan that considering our economic crises I don't see any way possible that it can be carried out effectively without digging us into a deeper hole. They spout all of their false statistics about how things are improving but for those of us in the trenches such as myself I don't see it. Obama is trying to create programs with no money or funds to work with. By printing more money all he is doing is inflating the economy even more and dropping our country into a greater depression.
There is nothing people will not maintain when they are slaves to superstition