Please recall your elementary school experience. Remember the 'yes-man' that was too stupid to follow lessons? Remember what that person's job was? That's right, stand in the hall and write down the name of every student that raced to the bathroom to take a piss that didn't have the required documentation.
The difference is now these mental midgets are grown and are given a gun, a taser, and a badge.
You can't make this shit up....
That's right, Mr. Jordan scored too high on an intelligence test to become a cop.
The difference is now these mental midgets are grown and are given a gun, a taser, and a badge.
You can't make this shit up....
Quote: Judge Dorsey ruled that Mr. Jordan was not denied equal protection because the city of New London applied the same standard to everyone: anyone who scored too high was rejected.
That's right, Mr. Jordan scored too high on an intelligence test to become a cop.