(May 2, 2013 at 1:54 pm)Violet Lilly Blossom Wrote: Or... you could just go and say "You are a biological machine, and will have an identical output in an identical scenario given an identical input no matter how many times you run it through." Offends fewer people, makes a statement about whether will is 'free' based on determinism. To which then some non-deterministic person disagrees given that they do not subscribe to determinism, rendering the argument pointless to them, and you might both come out of the experience enlightened, enriched, and hating each other's guts like they were satan.
But... you didn't say lick about free will, only that location and timing is a factor in the decisions you make. You're a genius, ain't nobody ever thought of that one before!
Edit: readability for retards.
I get what you are saying but I disagree with you. If you consider the multi-verse theory being that there are parallel universes with an alternate version of ourselves based on us making slightly different choices in one of the other universe then it calls into question weather we would always make identical decisions based on our circumstances being exactly the same. You may think this is refuting my point on free will but rather I am saying that this concept of complete free will is false. That does not mean to say that we can make choices that would be considered unlikely of a person who has been brought up in a bad environment for example. Instead I'm emphasising the fact that there is often a pattern to people's behaviour and it isn't simply an exercise of ultimate choice. Also when you add factors we inherit from birth then it makes free will seem a lot less likely. I believe that people are born gay. The evidence does seem to point towards this. Homosexuality even occurs among animals at a rate of about 10%. We know that mental illness can be passed down from parent to child. Someone with a mental health problem certainly doesn't experience full control over their decisions all the time.
I never claimed to be a genius so don't make a remark that suggests I value myself as being above others in intelligence. Maybe If I accomplish something worthy of that status I'll make that claim but I despise people who shamelessly appoint such titles upon themselves without merit.
Of course there will be people that disagree with what I'm saying and there's not much I can do other than to explain my point. Certainly a religious person is going to maintain that God has a plan for them and there life isn't just a random collection of events. From that perspective I can't really change their minds. That's the same with any devout religious person.
Satan is a cool guy btw