I would try ti rethink the problem solving that I find so flawed. Like any system that i find dysfunctional, it owuld have to be rethought form the top down...
But in a nutshell, causality. I have hyperactivity disorder. Should I take pills that make me "calm down"" if they make me feel very depressed and unable to remain coherent? I mean, really what is the problem? Why am I hyperactive? None of the doctors ask that, they just try to medicate. And not medicate for a fixed term, and then see results, but medicate for life. And does it actually make me not hyperactive to take the pills?
Let me try another. I have depression. Should I take an SSRI to combat that? Would that solve the problem that causes my depression? I don't think so. The symptom of my depression might be managed, but it does nothing to solve whatever is making me depressed. So I would try to set up a system that involved problem solving. The way they force parents (or trick them) into drugging children makes me sick, so I would be much more careful about administering drugs to underage people, as their bodies and minds are still in a crucial growing stage.
Less motive on profit (and especially more and more and more profit), and more motive towards helping people live better lives.
And Walmart, as an aside, I would not let them take advantage of the local or the worker half way around the planet. I would make an economy that functioned, that the bottom line was quality of life, not profit over all else.
If only I were in charge. But I am not, so all I can do is rail against what I see as foolishness and deceit.
No-thing- does have intrinsic value. Medicine is medicine (which is drugs), but there is evil (or good) value in human actions and human interactions. If a tornado kills my friends, to me that becomes and evil tornado. The wind just is, but it's involvement in my life makes me name it one way or another.
The damage being done by the modern world is like that, it is evil because of it's impact. Let me pick another straw, I dislike cancer charities. They make their money perpetually talking about a cure. I really think that is either stupid or misleading (depending on intent). There likley is no cure for cancer, as cancer is part of life. There has to be mutation, and sometimes the copying mechanism breaks down. But these people make their money in a roundabout way, trying to find the cure that will never surface. They never exhibit realistic constructive problem solving.
If I were in charge of a cancer charity, I would foremost ask what is making the incidence of cancers exponentially more common than one or two generations ago? Recently, according to some people, we passed the 1/2 north Americans will die of cancer point. And I don't think that the only factor in that is old age, I think there are things in our modern world with make the inevitability of cancer much, much more likely and virulent. So constructive problem solving would entail finding the causes of an increased cnacer rate, and trying to stop them. Like lobbying to ban or cut dowm cigarette production and consumption...
It's early, and my brain is a little ffurry, hopefully that made sense.
I appreciate your attempt at respectable conversation.
But in a nutshell, causality. I have hyperactivity disorder. Should I take pills that make me "calm down"" if they make me feel very depressed and unable to remain coherent? I mean, really what is the problem? Why am I hyperactive? None of the doctors ask that, they just try to medicate. And not medicate for a fixed term, and then see results, but medicate for life. And does it actually make me not hyperactive to take the pills?
Let me try another. I have depression. Should I take an SSRI to combat that? Would that solve the problem that causes my depression? I don't think so. The symptom of my depression might be managed, but it does nothing to solve whatever is making me depressed. So I would try to set up a system that involved problem solving. The way they force parents (or trick them) into drugging children makes me sick, so I would be much more careful about administering drugs to underage people, as their bodies and minds are still in a crucial growing stage.
Less motive on profit (and especially more and more and more profit), and more motive towards helping people live better lives.
And Walmart, as an aside, I would not let them take advantage of the local or the worker half way around the planet. I would make an economy that functioned, that the bottom line was quality of life, not profit over all else.
If only I were in charge. But I am not, so all I can do is rail against what I see as foolishness and deceit.
No-thing- does have intrinsic value. Medicine is medicine (which is drugs), but there is evil (or good) value in human actions and human interactions. If a tornado kills my friends, to me that becomes and evil tornado. The wind just is, but it's involvement in my life makes me name it one way or another.
The damage being done by the modern world is like that, it is evil because of it's impact. Let me pick another straw, I dislike cancer charities. They make their money perpetually talking about a cure. I really think that is either stupid or misleading (depending on intent). There likley is no cure for cancer, as cancer is part of life. There has to be mutation, and sometimes the copying mechanism breaks down. But these people make their money in a roundabout way, trying to find the cure that will never surface. They never exhibit realistic constructive problem solving.
If I were in charge of a cancer charity, I would foremost ask what is making the incidence of cancers exponentially more common than one or two generations ago? Recently, according to some people, we passed the 1/2 north Americans will die of cancer point. And I don't think that the only factor in that is old age, I think there are things in our modern world with make the inevitability of cancer much, much more likely and virulent. So constructive problem solving would entail finding the causes of an increased cnacer rate, and trying to stop them. Like lobbying to ban or cut dowm cigarette production and consumption...
It's early, and my brain is a little ffurry, hopefully that made sense.
I appreciate your attempt at respectable conversation.