Quote:The claim that all prayer is answered consistently is absolutely logical, in the way that I framed it, addressing the Christian understanding of prayer. God answers according to his will, that we are not privy to.
If the prick isn't sharing his methodology how are we to know? "Trust me"? Sorry, but that is how all good con jobs start and all it takes are gullible people who don't check under the hood before they buy the car.
The truth is that "prayer" works in the minds of people with selection bias and sample rate errors. The same mental mistakes are done by people who think Ouija boards work.
"prayer" is nothing more than talking to yourself and mentally crossing your fingers. Reality is however a mixed bag of good things and bad things happening to us to some range to some degree in either direction, and those same mundane things that happen to all of us good or bad, existed before we were born and will happen to others after we die.
There has not been one day where kids don't die from famine or disease or tribal conflict somewhere in the world and those kids and parents pray to all sorts of god/s and it still happens, and in Africa to the tune of 20,000 a month depending on location. Millions of people per YEAR die from everything from birth to old age. You really think pretending to talk to yourself actually solves any human condition other than placating your own emotions?
The reality is shit happens, good shit and bad shit, sometimes bad things happen to good people and sometimes good things happen to bad people. Prayer is nothing but a mental placebo, it is when you do it, when Muslims do it and when Jews do it and when Hindus do it. It isn't done by good or bad people, prayer is done out of evolutionary ignorance because wishful thinking is easier than actually testing data to insure quality of data.