(July 5, 2013 at 12:17 pm)Regens Küchl Wrote: Now I want to learn . In which favor do you call Brodie not neutral?
Someone who was once Mormon, was traumatized as a Mormon, and has a bone to pick by shedding light on Joseph Smith's true character is, by all accounts, not neutral. She takes a very aggressive stance, even if the tone of the book itself seems even-keeled.
Hugh Nibley is a tool. Nothing he says has any worth. Glenn Beck uses Nibley's studies to show how ancient Egyptians were also Mormon. He's the same kind of conman that JS Jr. was.
I would put "Rough Stone Rolling" in the same category as Fawn Brodie's book of being not neutral since it's a Mormon Apologetic writing it and not a non-member. (I'm reading this book right now, actually, and it's at least good to see a Mormon member in good standing at least address the issues that Joseph Smith's life is full of.)