(July 22, 2013 at 9:35 am)thesummerqueen Wrote: A Theist.
Dear god. It must be so fucking hard to be a white male right now. It's so hard to be the ones who still earn the most money, who don't have to prove themselves in face-to-face interviews, who don't get judged as criminals by outward appearances in comparison.
No religious groups ever told you that your skin was dark because you were from the race of Cain. No medical/secular/gov't groups ever hypothesized that you were of inferior genes because you weren't white. In fact, I think the only white man ever commonly compared to a monkey was George Bush - that comparison seems to be exclusively reserved for black people, and it took a president of surpassing stupidity, arrogance, ignorance and general fuckwittery for cartoonists to start publishing that.
You poor little white man. What's the problem - someone tell you that you have a smaller dick?
It is NOT okay for whites to be demonized. And it is NOT okay to decide that you - the dominant race - must somehow push back against races you have continually marginalized, demeaned and insulted just because a bunch of someones called a spade for a spade. Zimmerman was a racist fuck, and so are you. You and your white power. No one needs a "white power" month or cry, because whites still have all the power.
No one's going to call you a nigger the second they get angry at you for no fucking reason at all. No one's going to try and deport you because of your skin color the second you get called into a police station and can't find your papers. No one's going to look at you and judge you a criminal walking down the street simply because of the way you're dressed.
You fucking disgust me.
I could pretty much kiss you, right about now.