Red = Politically left of centre, which is a mighty wide range... from near-centrist to far-left. But that doesn't stop some immediately (and incorrectly) reading "Red" as "Communist". Particularly in the USA among those who bought into the whole McCarthy idea. As it happens, I am fairly far left, but anti-authoritarian... which moves me waaaay away from Communism and shoulder-to-shoulder with the likes of the Dalai Lama.
Celt = Is a historical reference to the parts of the UK which saw the least intrusion from Roman influence: Cornwall, Wales and Scotland. In particular (for me) Scotland.
It was an easy 2-word combination that I felt happy with in an online world with little unanimity. I first used it playing online Quake. The original version, back in 1996. It has remained my only online pseudonym for all of that time. Apart from porn sites. Naturally. Not that I'd use such things, obviously. And if you saw the name Ozymandius on one of those, it most definitely would not be me.
Celt = Is a historical reference to the parts of the UK which saw the least intrusion from Roman influence: Cornwall, Wales and Scotland. In particular (for me) Scotland.
It was an easy 2-word combination that I felt happy with in an online world with little unanimity. I first used it playing online Quake. The original version, back in 1996. It has remained my only online pseudonym for all of that time. Apart from porn sites. Naturally. Not that I'd use such things, obviously. And if you saw the name Ozymandius on one of those, it most definitely would not be me.
Tho' Nature, red in tooth and celt
With ravine, shriek'd against his creed
Red Celt's Blog