(September 3, 2013 at 9:11 pm)missluckie26 Wrote: Welcome! I watched a video on what happens inside the temple so I guess I'll never be able to get into the church.. What a shame
As for subservience, well .. I believe women inherently want and need there to be a god because we're such emotional beings. We look around and see and feel intensely all the wrongs in this life and having a bit of hope in our hearts for there to be a balancing force is what can help us feel like everything's all right with the world. No one's on women's sides typically, not even women. There's no support group for women especially in Muslim countries. So believing there is a god who watches you and who will make the wrongs right has a strong appeal, I'd imagine. My dad read out loud to me and my brother one time some Bible verses on womens roles in God's plan when my mom had gotten into a fight with him. That day my world changed and I felt like I was lesser, even to god. So I took up that cross and tried to be the best woman I could be--even condemning feminists who were fighting for my rights. I think there's going to be a big 'awakening' one day on behalf of women everywhere. Then: watch out! Women are powerful beyond measure when we get together with the intention of changing the world..
Really like your thoughts on this. I suppose with women's roles in various societies as with GLBT issues, racial bigotry, etc. the process almost has to be glacial in that most people don't change their stripes very easily. Takes some generational shifts and that doesn't necessarily have to take forever. I believe there is some herd mentality that also does help people get more rational in their attitudes and that as there are more and more younger people (and there are more every second than there were the second before) there will eventually be a sort of gathering storm of rationality which sweeps along. It seems that LGBT issues may be in the early part of that process, obviously some places much more that others, but it sure seems like a lot has changed in the past year alone.
Be well