(September 4, 2013 at 5:13 pm)Doubting Thomas Wrote: Actually if you look at the last few presidential elections (since George H.W. Bush), war veterans tend to do very poorly against those who didn't serve or else served but didn't go to war.
1992 Bush vs. Clinton - George Bush Sr., WWII fighter pilot, lost vs. Bill Clinton the draft dodger.
1996 Clinton vs. Dole - Bob Dole, WWII vet, lost big time
2000 Gore vs. Bush - Bush, while he had "military experience" never went to war, was AWOL part of the time, and since served in the National Guard as opposed to going to Viet Nam, could be considered a draft dodger. Gore served in Viet Nam.
2004 Bush vs. Kerry - Kerry, another Viet Nam veteran, lost to Bush who never served there.
2008 McCain vs. Obama - McCain, the Viet Nam war vet famous for his stay in the Hanoi Hilton, lost to Obama who never served in the military
2012 Obama vs. Romney - Neither served in the military, so is a push.
Seems like being a war hero doesn't carry the weight in politics that it used to 50 years ago.
That's because Dole is too old and every war since WWII hasn't been very heroic despite all the strained hype.