I'm not a fan of posting my gamertag here. I used to be quite well known for online gaming and I'm probably getting back into competitive soon. I don't want people searching my gamertags/usernames and finding it here and ruining a place I actually like on the internet. Probably sounds dramatic but I had to abandon a bunch of accounts for websites a couple years back.
I do like the idea of playing some games with people from here though. If anyone is willing to play GTA5 or the BF4 beta on XBL then I can PM them my Gamertag. That or my Battlelog account if they want to play some BF3/BF4 beta on PC.
I don't really play using steam other than playing offline/solo. What games do people play regularly on there?
I do like the idea of playing some games with people from here though. If anyone is willing to play GTA5 or the BF4 beta on XBL then I can PM them my Gamertag. That or my Battlelog account if they want to play some BF3/BF4 beta on PC.
I don't really play using steam other than playing offline/solo. What games do people play regularly on there?