(October 26, 2013 at 4:44 pm)The Germans are coming Wrote: Even a child would have noticed that the swastiker and shit example was an exaduration of the possibilities one has concerning what to write on a ballot.I did manage to pick up on that, yes. Once again, you said that in a response to claim I didn't make.
Quote:No, I did not. Not once. What I did do, however, was ask you for an example of a flawless government in response to this comment:Quote:Congratulations. You've managed to start an argument with yourself. Either that or you created the single worst strawman argument I've encountered. Either way, it's awe inspiring. You sir, are a shining beacon of hope to us all. Shine on, you crazy diamond.
What strawman? You keep posting about flawlessnes in politics as if it were what you wanted to achieve or if it wwas in fact a possible alternative.
The Germans are coming Wrote:Oh yes, you goverment is flawed, which does not mean that every single fucking goverment on this globe is flawed.(emphasis added)
Once again, you are arguing against a claim I did not make. The straw man is yours. Unless of course, you really are arguing against yourself?
Quote:How about being among the best in the respective field, rather than being the winner of an over-blown popularity contest?Quote:Strangely, I am actually familiar with this concept. Do you not think that maybe an expert would have a greater understanding of the complexities involved in a particular issue than a layman? At no point have I suggested that political issues simplified to a single, infallible resolution. It precisely because such complexities exist that I think those decisions should be made by those best qualified to do so.
And what are those qualifications?
Quote:AhemQuote:What on earth makes you think that a system in which goverment positions are allocated on a meritocratic basis would necessitate such a ridiculously simple implementation?
Because your system requires ignorance towards the opinions of the non experts thereby infringing their rights.
The Germans are coming Wrote:Fuck what the people want.
But seriously, this would in no way need be the case. There are different types of democracy, after all.
Quote:They have all the influence. They draw the borders between right and wrong and between what is possible and not.
Maybe not in yourcountry, but certainly in ever yother civilised place.
Are you serious? I think you might be exaggerating things somewhat.