One of the interesting questions that gets raised by theists is the "Well what's it all for? If there is no God."
The interesting thing about this is that we could equally well apply it to God himself. What is the function of God's existence? Is there one? If there isn't for him why can't there be one for us? If there is for him, and if we assume he doesn't have a higher authority to get it from why can't there be for us?
Can God know what its all for?
The interesting thing about this is that we could equally well apply it to God himself. What is the function of God's existence? Is there one? If there isn't for him why can't there be one for us? If there is for him, and if we assume he doesn't have a higher authority to get it from why can't there be for us?
Can God know what its all for?
Kuusi palaa, ja on viimeinen kerta kun annan vaimoni laittaa jouluvalot!