(February 11, 2014 at 1:32 pm)TaraJo Wrote: Ok, so, everyone knows how drinking games work, right? This is the Fox News drinking game. These are the rules so far (but if anyone wants to add onto the rules, feel free to give suggestions).
Take a drink whenever they:
1) mention Ben Ghazi
2) follow up expert opinion by interviewing some random dumbass off the street
3) use the phrase "Some people say" or "people are saying" or "I've heard that" intead of citing credible sources
4) call abortion 'baby killing'
5) claim American Christians are persecuted or mention a war on Christmas
6) try to get you to feel sorry for a millionaire (two drinks if it's a billionaire or a billion dollar corporation)
7) create a liberal view that is either an obvious strawman or an unrealistically extreme position
8) use one of the following phrases: "nanny state", "culture of dependence", "welfare queen", "urban voters", "gay agenda" or "liberal agenda"
9) say that the wealthy work harder or that poor people are poor because they're lazy
Any other suggestions for rules? I think this might be good as is; I'd like to at least get to 10 rules since it's a nice round number, but I already think I have more than enough to kill people from alcohol poisoning.
Great. You'll be in the ICU by the end of Hannity.