''The human being (and any other animal) who knows enough to survive long enough to reproduce has all the knowledge he needs.''...What about something for the end of the journey? To ease the fear.
''In order for a man to know how to live, he must first know how to die.'' The Book of Dying. (Tibetan Book of the Dead)
''In accusing another of being; ignorant,I'm implying I am not,which is untrue. Hence I;m denying my own ignorance. I hope the reasoning is clear,even if you disagree. '' Clear enough for me, and I agree.
''In order for a man to know how to live, he must first know how to die.'' The Book of Dying. (Tibetan Book of the Dead)
''In accusing another of being; ignorant,I'm implying I am not,which is untrue. Hence I;m denying my own ignorance. I hope the reasoning is clear,even if you disagree. '' Clear enough for me, and I agree.
''Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.'' Robert Oppenheimer