(March 11, 2014 at 9:13 am)DeistPaladin Wrote:(March 10, 2014 at 8:55 pm)CapnAwesome Wrote: I don't know, a lot of stuff was said about Bush, so it's sort of hard to dissect it all. ...some truly crazy stuff was said about him when he was in office that makes the stuff that some people in the GOP say about Obama seem tame and rational (I'm not saying it is either of those things, but just in comparison.) I don't blame Bush for hurricane Katrina or it's response. (seriously, that isn't remotely in control of the president.) Nor do I think that he was part of a secret society bent on controlling the earth. (The ole skull and bones bullshit.) I called out a lot of my liberal friends when they insisted that Bush was going to fake a disaster or terrorist attack to steal a third term (a genuinely popular idea amongst liberals during his second term.) I think a reflective lens and longer memory would serve people well who are so quick to jump on Republican who say crazy things about Obama.
Sorry, Capt, normally you post insightful and intelligent things but this is the same, tired, "c'mon, both sides do it" argument bandied about regularly by our corporate media.
Every time a conservative is caught being corrupt, incompetent or abusive, you're sure to hear "both sides" from both conservatives and their fake-centrist enablers in the mainstream media. Typically this argument is followed by laments about the "tone in Washington" and how our country is being torn apart by "extremes on both sides".
The "both-sides-do-it" canard relies heavily on digging deep to find some-crazy-liberal-conspiracy-theorist-with-a-blog (see your argument above) and act as if this somehow compares with mainstream conservative pundits with their own radio or TV shows and massive following. Some liberals were talking about "secret societies" and "skull and bones bullshit"? Really? I never heard any?
Name names for me! Who were these prominent liberal pundits who spoke of secret societies and the skull and bones whatever? Are there any TV clips or radio broadcasts I can see or listen to? Or was this just some-guy-you-talked-to-at-the-water-cooler-and-he's-now-equivalent-to-Sarah-Palin?
And when did Rachel Maddow or anyone as prominent a liberal pundit run a story or publish an op ed piece on the possible fake disaster or staged terrorist attack that Bush was planning to steal his third term? Or was this just something you read on blog-by-some-guy?
Now if your point is that there are crazy people in all corners, you'll get no argument from me. I do remember the "9/11 Truthers" who insisted that W Bush planned the 9/11 attacks. Do you know why I don't consider them to be a reflection on progressives in America? Because most of us laughed at them and still do. Certainly anyone prominent as a liberal pundit, to the best of my knowledge, never embraced or even flirted with Trutherism. Keith Olbermann, often used by "both siders" as an example of rage on the left side, in his angriest of tirades never once accused the Bush administration of planning 9/11.
As for Katrina, while Bush didn't plan for a hurricane to strike New Orleans, the man he appointed to FEMA was a political friend who had no qualifications and the Louisiana National Guard was deployed in his private war in Iraq. So I don't see why Bush gets a pass on that one.
Okay, I was asked specifically what stuff I believed about Bush and what stuff I didn't, not about specific news sources etc. However if you think that a single more life would of been saved in New Orleans if it had happened when Obama was president, I think that you are part of the group who's agenda is to bash one side and support the other no matter the reality of the situation. The president has exactly 0 control over the evacuation of a city, yet the mantra of the time was 'Bush left black people to die in New Orleans.' Again with the tired old racism accusations.
Bush got blamed for everything little thing that happened during his presidency. Literally everything. I don't really feel like dredging up 10 year old news clips for an internet forum debate (and have to note that in fact you didn't bring one either. Not that people should really let the daily show do their research for them anyway.) but if you don't remember this you may have been seeing the whole process through the glasses of bias.
When you say both sides don't do it, what exactly do you think the left doesn't do? At best you can bring up a example that is extremely specific to what's going on right now. However do you think they don't participate in slander or propaganda? They don't lie about the other side? They don't flip flop in order to make a point? Yeah right.