Technically the wager does favour theists over atheists (marginally). However it doesn't hold up to counter arguments.
Consider a god that was so proud of his creation, he decided to hide himself from the world, and let it run by natural processes. Rational people argued that nature was powerful, and a god was not needed. There was certainly no reason to believe in one. Irrational people argued that nature was beautiful, it had to have a designer. The god favoured the rational over the irrational, because although they were wrong, they showed correct judgement of the world he had created for them. The irrational followed blind faith without reason, and even though they were correct, they were still blinded.
Consider a god that was so proud of his creation, he decided to hide himself from the world, and let it run by natural processes. Rational people argued that nature was powerful, and a god was not needed. There was certainly no reason to believe in one. Irrational people argued that nature was beautiful, it had to have a designer. The god favoured the rational over the irrational, because although they were wrong, they showed correct judgement of the world he had created for them. The irrational followed blind faith without reason, and even though they were correct, they were still blinded.