(May 1, 2014 at 3:53 am)Jason_ab Wrote: Hi everyone! I'm from Greece, new to this forum, been studying "atheism" for one month now. Sorry for my English.
Iwant your opinion on one subject that has come up while I was thinking about the whole concept of atheism. My question is not if God exists, nor anything like that. It is a question about living without the need for a God, which you guys have been doing I guess.
Let's say all this is true, let's say when the lights are out it's over, but... really over. You guys seem to be quite functional, intellectual and creative human beings. My question is this: What is your motive in life?
What I mean is this: Some of MY motives for getting out of bed in the morning is that next generations might find what I have created usefull, or maybe some God has a checklist with all the good I've done, or maybe it somehow matters if I am able to create something that people will read or use long after I'm gone.
I mean, if there is no God, if there is no afterlife, if there is no spirit that occupies my body, if I am a coolection of neuron synapsis (or whatever those things between my ears are) what meaning do you use for all this?
Don't get me wrong, this is not an argument for the existence of God (I need a God to function as a human being so there has to be one...), nothing like that. It's just a question about how you go through life with no need for a God.
P.S. what a great forum! Lots of really smart people hanging around here...
Why does there need to be a meaning? Why is the tree there? Doesn't have to be part of a master plan, it could just to be.
I understand your point, meaning drives us but why not live the best life you can and to provide the biggest influence to others.
What if, your "meaning" for being here, was to make an impact on others in a positive way.