(June 5, 2014 at 6:19 pm)JimmyNeutron Wrote: I have something I wish to discuss with an atheist or atheists. If any of them would take the time to hear me on this thread I would be very grateful. I have some information that I consider hardcore evidence, not proof though, of the validity of the Bible. I'm not trying to evangelize anyone here, I just would like to share some facts that I have accumulated from several sources.
I ask that you remain open minded and logical, and that you do not stray off topic. Also, don't assume that you have heard all this before, because odds are good that you haven't. People don't usually defend their views religion in the way I am about to. I'm not going to ask you to take my word for any of this. I will provide verification of my facts. Here goes:
POINT 1#: The Bible contains various prophecies. If a sufficient number of these prophecies is true, than it is very likely that these prophecies are what they claim to be. Some kind of supernatural or divine revelation. Either that or they are a highly unlikely and EXTREMELY lucky guess. Can we agree on this first point?
Show me predictions of Haley's Comet in it. Show me predictions of the 1999 World Series. Show me words in it like "entropy" and "DNA". Show me the verse that I Brian will be born in 1966.
There is absolutely not one verse in that comic book that makes predictions about the future anymore than a Ouija Board you purchase at Toys R Us.
Don't feel bad, the Koran can't do it and the Torah And Talmud nor Rig Vedas make predictions either. And no, Joseph Smith did not find golden tablets signifying the lost tribes of Israel that started Mormonism either.
The bible, as with all holy books are as predictive about the future in the same way calling a psychic hot line and wasting your money on it is a good way to guide your life.