(July 24, 2014 at 7:29 pm)John S Wrote: Eschatology is the study of the future. I didn't know what it meant either until I joined a Christian website.
My purpose for writing this is NOT to try to convert you. I would NEVER insult you on your website. My ONLY intention is to get you to read this. If you do that, my hope is that you will remember some of this, if the time ever came.
The last book in the Bible, titled "The Book of Revelation" in Protestant Bibles and "The Apocalypse" in Catholic Bibles, is believed by most Christians to pertain to the future, taught by Protestants.
I was raised as a Catholic, and they never taught about the future. When I started reading this last book, I wasn't hindered by the stuff that Protestants learned. I came up with my own conclusions to what it all meant. This last book is filled with a lot of symbolism. I TRIED to get rid of this symbolism and put it into modern terms.
Simply put, Revelation is about the rise of a dictator, his religious accomplice, and what I believe to be the author's 1st Century attempt to describe WWIII.
This dictator is known in the Christian world as "the antichrist", "the beast", "666", and a few other names. He is supposed to have the ability to solve the world's problems. He will be able to make peace treaties where everyone else fails at - the Middle East, Ukraine, the Koreas, and everywhere else. He will bring about a moneyless economy on a worldwide basis. In today's technology, a computer chip will be placed under the skin. When a person runs their arm under a scanner, the amount will be deducted from a person's bank account. In 10, 20, 50 years, this technology might be different. People who refuse to utilize this technology, will become outcasts - terrorists.
If these events happen, believe it or not, atheists might have a better chance of noticing it than many Christians will. Many of them have been taught that when this antichrist arrives that they will be magically whisked away in what is known as the Pre-Trib(ulation) Rapture. You may have heard of this doctrine. Many Protestants believe it but it will not happen.
I could go on but this opening post is too long already.
If you have read this thread, then I have accomplished my goal. I'm not even going to ask you to believe anything that I have written. What I am hoping for is that IF these events happen that you will remember that you heard this somewhere and you will be suspicious of this "superman" who can get things done that no one else can.
Thank You for reading this.
BTW - If or when WWIII happens, it will be the near annihilation of the human race.
Here's an alternative hypothesis for you: the author of Revelations was writing about his present, using symbolism to hide his sedition from the authorities. The beast is Nero, the 'whore of Babylon' is the city of Rome.
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti-stupid.