(July 25, 2014 at 3:16 pm)Purplundy Wrote: Sure.
I can concede that Francis might be out to make the Church look 'good'. Any organization would prefer that. I mean, I live in the United States, "Not Sorry" Central. I believe he could also be running out of clergy.
But the notion that if the pope is fighting tooth and nail to maintain the facade of a perfect church, and if he doesn't the "Aha!" moment comes to non-Catholics around the world is preposterous, especially when said pope goes on and on about how much of a sinner he is.
And about Pope Francis sleeping in a hotel room, of course it's a PR stunt, but he's doing it, isn't he? His level of sincerity is impossible to know, because none of us know the Pope personally. But it's not somehow undermined. Jesus entire life was a PR stunt.
And again, I'll be awaiting his co-operation with the authorities to prosecute the pedophiles and their protectors. He knows it's happened and is happening. Until then he can wash as many feet and sleep in as shtity a bed as he can, still not even close to impressed with this church 'leader'.
In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty.
- Thomas Jefferson
- Thomas Jefferson