An Exercise In The Free-Will Offered In The Bible...
There once was this Mob Boss, we'll call him Guido. Now Guido is a loving Mob Boss, in fact he's so loving that he'd never impose his own will on others. Guido likes to have his own way, and when he realized that other people were using their free will to choose apart from Guido and his ideals, he decided to cash-in on this 'free-will' BS to his advantage.
Guido now says that you still have free will, but if you exercise it an any manner that disagrees with Guido and his dictates that he'll have you killed. Of course, you'd be using your free will to choose to die. After all, it's a choice, right?
There once was this Mob Boss, we'll call him Guido. Now Guido is a loving Mob Boss, in fact he's so loving that he'd never impose his own will on others. Guido likes to have his own way, and when he realized that other people were using their free will to choose apart from Guido and his ideals, he decided to cash-in on this 'free-will' BS to his advantage.
Guido now says that you still have free will, but if you exercise it an any manner that disagrees with Guido and his dictates that he'll have you killed. Of course, you'd be using your free will to choose to die. After all, it's a choice, right?